Star Wars Squadrons

Do pedals work now? Resistance is crumbling. How much is this game? Where to buy?
This seriously threatens to derail my A-10CII training.

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I bought it and maybe its just me but its a PITA to set up. I went to training and it put me into a 5v5 dogfight with players where I was Pwned big style, I can’t use a mouse curser in the gui so it’s all keyboard commands another big PITA while using VR

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Thank You. I will pass.

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OK i have had 30 minutes now of the story mode, it’s very nice in VR and the story shows you the controls needed. So whilst it was a pain to start with I can see it getting good especially with 5 mudspiketeers against AI.
You probably want to buy it :heart_eyes:
I got mine on steam and you need an EA account too.and rudder pedals work


My resistance is crumbling hard…its only the thought of the Dcs hind thats stopping me atm

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Bought it on the Epic Store using a 10€ coupon.

It will just redirect to the EA/Origin Store for all further installation and so on.

Now I need to find the time to gear up :slight_smile:

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It’s a bit buggy and unwieldy with joysticks though. Like I dunno what button 12 is …

And I’ve had several instances where it just doesn’t work during story mode. It essentially froze on me last night because I pressed the button just before the instructions were ready to let me. So nothing worked after that. Hard to ctrl+alt+del and end process mid mission.

It’s a fun game, and that stuff will get sorted, but it’d be nice if they’d fix up the control issues.


So wait for the patches. Got it.

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Ya. Or check the web to see if there are tons of problems with your particular hotas.

Is that due out soon?

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According to what I’m seeing on a handful of subreddits, it doesn’t play nicely at all with Warthog setups. A friend of mine flying with an old X52 says he’s not having any problems at all though.

It hasn’t been announced yet. But the very INSTANT I spend the funds allocated to it on something else I absolutely guarantee it will be straight out.

In fairness its looking like it will be fairly soon

I have a mishmash hotas of a virpil stick with a warthog head, a warthog throttle and MFG pedals. They all work fine in SWS. Reports of it not supporting hotas’es or doing so badly are wildly exaggerated.

We few, we happy few who have configured DCS modules in the misty morning, who have wrestled Il-2 into compliance, should we be affeared of this paltry little ditties’ control config screen? Forsooth! ARE WE NOT THE PC GAMING MASTERRACE?!



I don’t think it’s so much that it doesn’t support them (that’s overly dramatic hyperbole by the internet mob) but I do believe it is difficult to set up and there are bugs. I’ve got firsthand experience. I’ve made it work but it’s been frustrating.

But yes, greatly over-exaggerated on the net… Quelle surprise.


I heard you need to setup the order of the devices and then it‘s fine. Like:

  1. Stick
  2. Throttle
  3. Pedals

Could not confirm yet, but will at some point.

Hey, we can manage DCS and FS2020, so this should be easy :wink:

Edit: Ah, yes, right. That info is from 5 posts up in this thread. :man_facepalming:

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I swapped the assignment for my peripherals today and that helped a lot. I am actually getting to fly the story line but I have come to the conclusion I am just a sh@t space pilot.
Practice makes perfect but where I will find the time is beyond me

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They patched controls today, anyone check it out yet?

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Had time for a quick battle. It is nice when you aren’t bothered much.

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Why yes sir, indeed I did, and what a difference a bit of deadzone taken out makes! pewpew pew motherlovers!


Known issues list is loooong. :slight_smile: