I cant assign the right and left rudder pedals, It will randomly allow rotation one way but not the other. Is there anywhere you can manually edit the config? Any suggestions greatly appreciated
Unplug other controllers while setting it up.
I had to do this for my x-55 twist. It would register twist right but not left. Unplugged throttle and it let me assign no problem.
I was fooling around with SWS tonight trying to get VR performance smooth with my Oculus Rift S. Not possible right now. AFAIC VR is broken in this game. Hopefully they fix it because it’s an incredible game.
Why is VR performance worse in the in game menus before even getting out into space? I dunno.
I hear Steam users are having an especially bad time with Steam VR.
Bottom line … it’s still really fun with broken VR LOL! Can you imagine smooth VR?!
Reminds me of when I found out that Steam VR was WAY better than Oculus VR for VTOL VR.
Broken how? I get some stuttering on my rift but it’s not frequent and not that bad. At least not in the campaign.
My copy runs pretty well no stuttering or game breaking problems, is your steam vr trying to super sample too much? Latest drivers etc. I am on the rift cv with a 1080 to power it. Also have my install on my fastest ssd
Hmmm… so more controller issues. I have the Virpil WarBRD stick, Crosswind Pedals and the Warthog Throttle. If my pedals are plugged in, the game can’t see the throttle. I can only see two control devices. I have used up about 80 minutes of play time trying to get this working, so I’m going to have to either fix it in the next few attempts or just get a refund.
So what I ended up having to do is unplug my throttle while setting up the Yaw axis on my rudder pedals. Then just plug it back in. I did this in game and didn’t back out or have to restart at all. I wonder if something similar would work for your throttle.
I am using WH HOTAS with the TM Pendular rudder pedals if that makes any difference.
Do you have all 3 showing up in the controls page where you set each to controller 1, 2 and 3? Do you have 2 of them mapped to either 1 or 2?
It seems that the game can only see two out of the three controllers (stick, throttle and rudder). I have requested a refund for the time being and I’ll give it another shot when the devs have ironed out all the wrinkles. Thanks for your help though @USMCBEANS, I do appreciate it.
Damn, wish you could have made it work. But it feels like they let people who know nothing about simulators work on the game. The lack of controller support and proper binding is astonishing. I hope they get it all ironed out. I really would like to see user made missions but that will obviously never fly with EA.
I got my copy on the Epic store so I don’t use Steam VR but you’re right … 1080ti here and SWS doesn’t take too kindly to supersampling at the moment. I did some more experimenting today and found out that I could get my standard Oculus Rift S framerate of 80 with supersampling set to 1.0 (off) in the Oculus Tray Tool. One other thing I found out is that if you have Vsync on in the game, it limits the Oculus framerate to your monitor’s framerate (60 in my case) which is not good.
I still think they need to improve VR performance as I’ve been running everything with 1.5 supersampling until now. I’ll have to turn it down to 1.2 or 1.3 for SWS.
I really should have shared this sooner, but I lost interest in Squadrons when it was decided there wasn’t gonna be any head tracking support. However, I found success with this fix, with other unrelated software, for both reorganizing and ignoring specific input devices. Just follow the instructions, and you all should be up and running in short order:
It works for me, but as I don’t have Squadrons, I cant test it. Please, let me know if it helps, I’m genuinely curious!
After a quick look at the input API for Squadrons, it appears that it uses XInput. This fix is designed for DirectInput, but I think it’s still worth a try. Good luck.
This is a disaster!!! How can such a big company as EA allow this to happen. I almost bought it Thursday but instead spent time on the A-10. Staying on the fence for now. Control problems are a deal breaker.
I will bet EA’s quarterly profits they spent 95% of their time using a gamepad to test the game.
It seems a lot of people here had unrealistic expectations. No wonder you’re so disappointed.
It’s not DCS: Star Wars. It’s not Flaming Cliffs of Tattooine. It’s certainly not SC or Elite Dangerous with SW skins.
I can’t imagine after what EA has done in the past 20 years why anyone would expect more for $40?
You are correct, no Russians worked on this, I’m confident to wager. Nor any employees of SC or ED or Eve or whatever else the current “standard” for space sims is seen as.
Based on my opinion of EA’s record, this knocked it out of the park…for them. I was expecting a stuttering crash-fest that had little relation to SW besides the name and the appearance of the in-game options–in other words, a reskin of another game.
Instead, this is basically X Wing vs TIE Fighter 2 but with an SP campaign and better performance (because XvT ran quite poorly on release and I had given up and moved onto XWA by the time PCs caught up). XvT didn’t support head tracking, didn’t support HOTAS (or multiple controllers), didn’t support VR, naturally, and was flaky on MP.
SWS is no worse than XvT and is better in several areas. That was so much better than I hoped for, especially as XvT cost $50+ and in 1998 money SWS costs $25. Could you imagine buying a brand new SW game then for $25 with SP, MP, headtracking, multi controller support, and a decent adherence to the SW legacy? That’s the equivalent of $40 today.
If you learn to expect a Big Mac when you buy that $15 hamburger at a decent restaurant, you’ll always be pleased when it’s inevitably better.
I totally and utterly agree with everything you just said. Great post. Hit the nail BANG on the head.
For the general gaming community this is a 5 star effort. For the hardcore simulation community not so much. Its nearly there but we need to temper expectations.
I’ve been enjoying the SP campaign, but SWS will likely get shelved when I’m complete. I had to do some serious controller unplugging and rearrangement in order to get my HOTAS working (which I eventually did!) but it’s put BOX and DCS on pause.
Now, if they release a Death Star or Hoth DLC… Anyone else notice that the targeting computer is modelled on the right side of the Rebel cockpits?
My expectations were already pretty low, but I would consider that most peripherals that have been released since XvT to now would have some influence on a developers roadmap. I think maybe we’ve been spoiled by the recent mini space game resurgence, which has since supported said peripherals. Hell, I’m playing both FS2 and XWA with both HOTAS and head tracking, and both of those games are from 199X. I dunno, expectations or not, and I can only speak for myself, but why would I spend money on a sub-par product when there are better options currently available, including games that are more than 20 years old. I’m playing Battlefront 2 now to get my Star Wars fix, which is a hell of a pretty good Star Wars game, despite it’s rocky launch. So, I’m still gonna wait til Squadrons goes on a deep sale, with the major bugs having been squashed by then.
Before asking for a refund you might consider just trying it with the controller. I’ve been using an XB controller through the campaign and it’s been quite controllable. If only the input range didn’t decrease to zero as your thumb moves away from NW/NE/SE/SW.
My expectations were not particularly high. XvT with pretty graphics in VR was really all I was looking for, but controller mapping with several devices shouldn’t be all that difficult to implement.
I’ll no doubt come back to it at some point.
They did not have that on release. It didn’t exist then. Well, HOTAS did, but almost NO games supported them. Every one required you to load some software to emulate KB presses and so on.
So again you are taking a title that’s had 20 years of modding work applied to it and applied it to a brand new title. They have had far more development hours invested into them than SWS as a result, no doubt.
Play stock FS2 and XWA and compare instead. I’m sure you will find them just as disappointing.
Or come back to SWS in 2040 and I’m sure it will blow you away.