Those are all valid points. I guess the point I’m trying to make, is that why would anyone mod in support for a specific peripheral (HOTAS or TrackIR) for a 20 year old game if it wasn’t desirable or in demand? More recent space game releases; E:D, Star Citizen, even House of the Dying Sun all have HOTAS and head tracking support out of the box (or whatever you wanna call Star Citizen). So, if your gonna release a AAA game and claim support for said peripherals, it may be prudent to actually support those peripherals. As I’ve said, my expectations were low to begin with, and I had no delusions that head tracking would be supported (although the inclusion of VR piqued my interest), but it was advertised (or at least acknowledged by the developers) to include at least HOTAS support. I think HOTAS and “multiple controllers” are maybe getting mixed up here, which is maybe part of the problem. I think most people have a mix of hardware that can be considered a HOTAS by those of us in the hobby, but are in reality a mix of different pieces of hardware, likely all from different manufacturers. So, maybe “multiple input devices” should replace the term HOTAS, at least in this situation, which Squadrons is clearly having problems with.
Hey guys,
I caved in and bought it. Never buy stuff on your anniversary. I spent 20 minutes trying to sign into EA to get the game going. So I was late picking up my gf from work. While she was in the shower I tried to look at the controls. NO WAY is all I could think. I could not even get the mouse to work until I undid my WT throttle. Thanks to this thread I thought about that. So I left it as it was for the night. Today I will give it a whirl. So has anyone here got it working with the Warthog and a set of pedals? Should I just give in now and use the gamepad? This is just so bad. But on the plus side, I cant wait to get in the action and see it in VR.
I got it to work. Warthog, Pedals + VR.
Did not have any issues, apart from spending a lot of time on the mapping.
Im good on axis and programming buttons… slowly getting it. So much fun
Y-Wing, mini-gun and the ion beam, full forward shields. Bore a hole into the center of the Death Star with that combo.
It really is a beautiful game. It would have been incredible if they included a mission editor and just let the community go nuts on creating simple single player and multiplayer content. Would have probably bought EA some much needed respect from the gamers. I have seen first hand the nightmare that is their match making lack of balance. Played a match yesterday where the highest level player on my team was a 9. The lowest level on the enemy team was a 32. It went about as expected!
TrackIR Support.
The ongoing updates to this game have been a nice surprise. The B-Wing is great fun to pilot in VR, with the spinny cockpit. Some screens:
You rotate the cockpit around by holding a button, allowing you to direct how the bombs ‘drop’ (le sigh)
Old school cockpit
Gameplay wise it is very much a bomber and slow. If you can get close to a capital ship then you can do a lot of damage, but getting there without cover (and decent teammates) is a trick.
I picked it up yesterday, and I’m currently setting up the HOTAS. I haven’t actually played it, so no first impressions yet. I’ll hopefully free up some time over the weekend and get my feet wet.
I owned them all already, but if I didn’t then this would be a good deal - 3 decent games for a good price:
I Finally got in some practice. My quick and dirty first impressions so far are mostly positive. Configuring controls for the HOTAS has been a non issue. I use the CH Control Manager to assign the desired axis and buttons, as I always do, and it works (so far) right out of the box. I still play the original X-Wing series to this day, so I just used the control scheme from the older games as a template, and everything feels very familiar. I’ve got TrackIR ready to go, but I haven’t tried it yet, due to multitasking responsibilities (baby duty), but I should have some free time very soon! Presentation is phenomenal, it all looks and sounds awesome, and both dead zones and sensitivity options are present for input devices, so it all feels really good too. So far, I’m glad I put a hold on jumping in, as I feel that my first impressions haven’t been compromised by the day one bugs and bumps. I’m really looking forward to spending more time with it.
Any idea if the rudder mapping issue for the Saitek Combat Rudder Pro is fixed? I know we could just map the axis in one direction…
My T-rudders work ok now, and they did do some fixes in that area, so likely ok now.
Well, I have to give it to Motive… the last update fixed many gripes I had with the game. My rudder pedal axes are now recognized, and TrackIR support is finally there! I refunded the game on release due to the initial issues I had with it… but I gave it a second chance and the game feels much better now!
I bought it…can’t wait to give it a whirl in VR (I haven’t tried it in pancake mode either). I think that would be a fun Christmas afternoon activity to do with the kids (while their computers are downloading updates…LOL…)
I’m still on the fence. So many other games to play and so little time…
Is the single player mode decent?
I’m in the same boat…er Xwing fighter but I see it’s on sale on steam so I’m tempted
Definitely worth the twenty bucks asking price. Fun sp and skirmish, and of course mp.
It’s a nice cheesy star wars story. It contrives to put you in fun situations with good views of all the levels, with that fun script style of ‘annoyingly naïve huggers’ for the Republic and ‘mustache twiddling evil schemers’ for the Imperials (you play both sides on the Single Player campaign).
Multiplayer has trouble with matchmaking leveling up to now, so really I’ve spent my 10+ hours or so happily in single player - still not finished it.
If there is enough people here with it we could do a co-op private match one day - there is some strategy of what support / bombers / fighters to deploy in a capital ship battle that it might be fun (even against the AI).