Star Wars Squadrons

I repurchased Squadrons today, and this time I can map my controller devices properly. My big issue now is simple menu navigation… Press Device 2 button 16 (as an example) means nothing to me. Give me a mouse cursor, or straight forward keyboard commands…ugh.


I think you can just wiggle the mouse or anything else like an xbox controller and the input scheme switches over, I use the mouse/keyboard in menus but the HOTAS in game.


I hate this so much. Like just let the hat be a mouse for menu navigation. God.

There are a ton of games that have no mouse support in the menus or it exists but blows because clicking doesn’t work right. That’s what happens when they think the whole world uses those stupid console controllers for everything, one guy spends 30 mins coding for it and that’s it. It’s also a major reason why I always hated those controllers and never got used to them even on my old X360. I spent 3/4 of my time with that using Forza and other driving games with the Xbox Wheel instead.

Like some other games I have, if you touch the mouse or kb the controller button prompts are replaced with kb/mouse prompts. I

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This. You can use both KB/M and/or controller, and you can re-configure your HOTAS for menu navigation as well, including the hat switch.


I love this game, but frequently have horrific lag on the PC. No issues on the PS4 however so, weird.

Incidentally, if your running VR and get screen jitters try hitting Win Y. Totally solved it for me.


The last patch changed the settings around a lot. What works for me (2080 / Reverb):

  • Everything on ULTRA
  • ‘Shadow Quality VR’ to MEDIUM
  • ‘Volumetric Quality VR’ to MEDIUM
  • ‘Mesh Quality’ to HIGH.

If you use WMR for SteamVR Beta, then in the SteamVR entry for the game use ‘Forced On’ for Motion Smoothing (or just play with the different settings in that for taste).

This is also one of those games that I see a big benefit of reducing the 2D mirror view on to save VRAM - see this post (if applicable to you) HP Reverb G2 - #784 by fearlessfrog


Thanks FearlessFrog! I’ve been waiting for the coloring book version of your VR guide on the Reverb thread. Most of this VR stuff is PFM to me! :wink:

The game had seemed to otherwise play well, so I assumed that it was multiplayer lag and not related to graphics. I am running only a 1080 however so I should probably rethink that.

Others on the web had noted that the server matchmaking service had no qualms about spanning the globe and that these matches seemed to lag particularly. So I’ve had a difficult time determining the source of the problem.

I’ll definitely give these settings a try. Thanks again!


It is nice that we have some guys here on the forum that understand what all this stuff does and can refine the information down to something tasty. The last time I was current with technology terms, hardware, and software was…umm…when I owned a Pentium 5. From that point forward… :man_shrugging:


That’s at least 2 Pentiums more than me!

BTW, not to make you feel old but my autocorrect didn’t even know that Pentium was a word.


Double F,

I’d pay foldin’ money if you put all your VR tips into a single thread. That Reverb thread is great, but it updates so frequently that I find myself looking at posts from the McKinley administration. :joy:

I tried dialing down the details as you suggested, low across the board. In Quick Dogfight, it still lagged somewhat. As it isn’t a
steady thing, it’s hard to say from that mission what the average will be.

I also tried the Win P trick, though I’m only single monitor. Went back to Fleet Battles vs AI. Only an occasional hiccup.

I guess I need to try Solo vs AI. If it doesn’t lag there, I’d presume that it’s Internet lag and not Graphics lag?

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Yep, most of my time has just been in the solo SP campaign. My impression was that the setting ‘‘Volumetric Quality VR’ to MEDIUM’ is really the only important one, as that kills VR performance. The other one of note if not that is '‘Lighting Quality VR = LOW’ as that sets a special mode that should be as good as it’s going to get FPS wise. Everything else might as well be Ultra, as it doesn’t impact framerate really. The only other mysterious tealeaf to stare at is try turning off VSync in game, as sometimes that can cause judders.

If you’re getting into games with big pings then it’ll lag for sure, so this is probably a MP thing like you said.

The trouble with me is that I sort of just come and go, and when I’m back and off work then I’m looking at stuff and trying to help but it’s all a bit random. I think people really into it like this one look pretty good, in that they are doing a constant effort to keep things up to date as the ground shifts every patch:


Well, I appreciate your efforts. I’d tell you how much you’ve increased my VR knowledge, but then there that whole “multiply by zero” thing.

Unfortunately, after a deceptively good session this morning, it was lag city just now. I need to do some internet troubleshooting, but I fear that it’s the matchmaking issue I noted above.


I will say that, when it works, flying an X-wing in VR makes me man-giggle just a little bit.


This game looks amazing!


Star Wars Squadrons guide by Chuck Owl …WHOOOOHOOOO! :slight_smile:

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Bought SW:Squadrons on the Steam Sale. Now to try and map my HOTAS and give it a whirl. Hopefully I wont have to unplug multiple inputs to get the process right.

Probably going to grab this while its still on sale… For those using HOTAS and pedals, are you assigning roll to the x axis on the stick and using pedals for yaw? Or sticking with the classic X-wing PC control setup of yaw on the x axis of the stick?

Ok, fired it up today.
Rather disappointed already.
How do I get past the EA login screen in VR? I bought this in Steam, so do I need an EA account too?
To bypass that I tried flatscreen mode and the interface sucks. Having to use the right click on the mouse to see it. How do I enable my HOTAS?
Lots of questions, so I apologize.

I was fine with “yaw on stick” growing up, but after years of DCS and IL-2, I started to map “roll on stick”, it just feels more natural. Don’t feel bad if it confuses the brain, the default for space combat sims has always been “yaw on stick”, and if you look at the control stick in the X-Wing cockpit, yaw input will move the stick visually, despite any reconfiguration. It’s all preference really.

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