Yep. That one legitimately cracked me up
This should become the fight club mascot
I am 100% on board for that
Today has been a day in the kitchen. Neighbours are coming over for Chrstmas Eve drinks and nibbles tomorrow and we are starting to get all the prep done for Xmas dinner.
I did have to remind the bride…
The perfect flightcrew.
The pilots job is to feed and pet the dog.
The dogs job is to bite the pilot if he or she touches the controls.
And management realizes they can cut costs by not allowing the aircraft to ever take off, lay off the pilot and dog, and shift focus completely over to being an airline branded credit card company.
And now for something completely different:
I shouldn’t have but I LOL’d
I may, or may not, have once written on a grenade “If you are reading this. Too late!”