You ok, @Fridge…?
I’ll reboot the Fridge bot. Glitch in the matrix, sorry.
I think so but my internal clock is showing a discrepancy between itself and reality. Almost like I’ve lost some time during a reboot
I was checking out the device that schurem mentioned and saw this…
And I am fairly sure that is a low quality 3D print. Not to be all judgmental and all because the whole set looks interesting.
But today is also one of those days when I am somewhat out of phase with everyone else and I feel like I may be communicating … oddly.
Tell me… Am I a human…?
The 3D print quality is not PointCtrl’s best features
What I like about it is the fact that it’s easy and intuitive to use. It’s also quite immersive, although having naked hand and finger 3D tracking would be better, in this regard.
Maybe your calendar is broken.
The quality of the 3D print of this little device is completely and utterly irrelevant. Only upon close inspection did I see what you are talking about. The pic you posted is about five times as large as the unit really is. It’s tiny, those ridges are tiny. The buttons are nice, clicky. They don’t feel like they’ll be wearing out any time soon. And that matters.
Plus the fact that booting up soviet aircraft is mad fun with it. Those rows of switches
Finally got my VR Optician lenses today. Ordered it on Dec. 31st so 5 weeks for delivery to east coast of US.
Good news is the lenses are easy to put in and remove on the Reverb. It’s so nice being able to see clearly and not have to wear glasses or contacts.
Bad news is, the lens inserts actually press against my face above my eyes due to the shallow depth of the Reverb. I wish they made a VR cover for the Reverb. A little extra padding up front would probably solve the issue.
Does anyone know if any of the available VR Covers fit the Reverb?
I tried to move one over from the O+ I had, but it was a bit too big. You could probably chop off a couple of centimeters and tape it back up and it could work, but you’d need to squish it etc. If you wear it close to your face that might work.
I don’t think VR Cover do a specific Reverb one? I googled here, and it looks like maybe the OG Vive one could work?
I think I read somewhere that the cover for the Vive was a good fit.
Hold on a sec. Hold on a sec.
Sorry but maybe my comment came across wrong: no offense or judgement was intended. I wasn’t knocking the device’s functionality or anything. I don’t have my hands on it, so I can’t attest to the quality of function, which is exactly why I asked the question. All I have to go on was one statement that it was great and the print quality that I saw on the website just made me pause.
What I was asking for was confirmation that quality of function and design was there. What I see in the picture is a relatively simple matter to correct on a 3D printer - I’ve been through a hundred 3D prints on lower end machines that require fiddling with flow rates, layer heights, temperatures and all and what I saw just made me pause. I know that the items are small and the picture is not really representative given it’s size.
Sorry but, in my opinion, that is not true as it would be an indicator. I just wanted to post here, pause and wait for a review from someone I trust as to it’s full build quality.
Since my original post 7 hours ago I have looking into how to order, subscribed to the discord server and checked out the backlog of orders. I have read other reviews and from the tone of the creator/developers content, I can see the hours of work and effort that have been put into this product. I my mind, I have seen enough to plan on going forward with purchasing in the near future.
EDIT: Just to clarify (?), but these images from the ED Forums (link) show that those 3D print artifacts have been dealt with.
Cool beans. You are gonna love them.
Oh wow! This headset is a TON better than the Oculus CV1! Wow! I spent some time in the Bird of the Month (informal) February 2020 - Yak-52 and I could easily read all of the instruments. After a nice flight there, I went over to the P-51 and … wow!
Did I say wow?
It’s crazy isn’t it? First truly clear VR for me.
How’s the fit?
Little tight. I have a big head and the side straps are at almost the maximum. Cable though … that’s a bit annoying (like every review said). I need to find a way to have that stay somewhat centered on the back of my chair. Hmmm.
Btw, fly the Hornet and bask in those MFDs…
Hmmm. That would at least keep it off to one side consistently. Nice.
How do you find the integrated headphones? I removed them almost immediately in favour of my Hyper-X Cloud II’s but those are a little loose on my head and likely to move around when I am looking all over the place for targets
I don’t mind the integrated ones, as I slip the headset on/off a bit. If you do put them back on then make sure they are screwed in quite tight (the flat screw) as I found the connection between headset/earpiece is not great.