Thanks for hosting. I got all(?) of the fighters and any of the long and med range AAA covering Harper. Should be easy pickings but the dinner bell rang.


Been a stretch of days and nights on duty
once I can peel an eyelid open I’ll be rejoining. Got my days and nights
breakfasts and dinners all mixed up. All I know is today ends in a Y

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I just stayed up way too late, but I had to finish up the mission. The session was up for a little over 10 hours, and between Eric and me, we got the job done! :sunglasses:


Had some scary moments dodging missiles. I must say I am not a fan of jammed comms. Takes a lot of the joy out of multiplayer. I mean, yes, there is discord. But then in VR that’s just another thing to deal with.

it would be nice if we could just switch COM channels or something when encountering that communications jamming. It is a pretty cool game dynamic though

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It would be nice if there was a HOJ capable A2G missile, or some way to pinpoint the source of the GPS and coms jamming. The jamming trucks are not easy to find.

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It would be interesting to see if you could determine where the onset of the interference occurs and fly maybe two or three points on an arc to determine the source
 we could also find MH370

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If I get some time tonight or tomorrow, I’ll set something up in the ME and see what the various ARM’s do with just GPS jamming. I believe it should show up on the FRAZ screen as a low band contact, not sure if that’s enough for a shot. It would at least give a line of bearing for a search.


Cool new features comin’!


That was a fun vid!

Also, those features are now current. We should have a trap day.


I mean if you want to watch me bolter or ramp strike all day sure :grin:

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Sounds like fun
 we need some score cards though! :sunglasses:

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I just put up a session. I should be up a couple of hours, just in case anyone wants to join.

Ran a test last night on the GECM van. There does not appear to be any indication on the FRAZ of the jammer. It did show up on the TSD, but that was most likely from the TGP, not entirely sure on that. I have no idea if the GECM van appears on say the F-45’s ARAD. I closed in towards the target SAM site, punched off two GPU-38’s which both missed and never saw a GECM indicator on the FRAZ. Which once I did some research doesn’t have an RWR symbol for it, is unsurprising in hindsight.

At the moment I don’t have any suggestions on how to hunt a GECM van. I shall continue to ponder that problem though.


GECM Trucks are usually pretty awkward to deal with in my experience.

They do low-band jamming, so it messes with your comms, such as your radio. And most importantly, GPS.

When it’s jamming you, you’ll see a notification on the TSD in the F-45 and EF-24 saying “GPS LOST”

Once this happens GPS guided munitions such as AGM-161’s, GBU-38’s, 39’s, etc. Will not hit their target, as they’ll loose the GPS coordinates after launch due to the jamming.

My suggestion is to use optically guided munitions against them, such as AGM-145 Ballistas, AGM-114 Hellfires, AGM-65 Mavericks, Or GBU-53 Storm breaker Glide bombs.

They cannot jam these as they are optically guided.
Just find them via your targeting pod or EOTS depending on the aircraft you’re in, and send one at them.

Just be aware they may have IRMD anti-ballistic defenses around and possibly CIWS. If this is the case see if you can get rid of the Missile Warning (MW) Trucks.

Hope this helps!


Welcome to Mudspike and great first post! Any suggestions on hunting for them when they hidden? I was hoping they’d show up on the FRAZ, but no luck on that.

Welcome to Mudspike @Katie . I’m guessing that a visual search with the targeting pod/EOTS in DAY or NIGHT mode looking for any high contrast objects will be the way to go then.

If the mission designer put other assets nearby (such as the MW truck) then a general search area can be deduced, although I would park my ECM jamming vehicle well away from other easily detected units. I think with some testing, we could determine the effective range of the ECM truck and use that information to triangulate a rough position. Worth a try maybe.


Thank you!
And yup, just as you said in missions such as the “EW Naval Strike mission” You can see this happen, they’re parked close enough to get coverage from surface-to-air threats. While far enough to not be immediately obvious.

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So I just threw together a quick test scenario with the F45 and a GECM truck. I’m not sure what control I have over truck when setting it up in the editor, but I wasn’t able to induce GPS jamming. I did notice that I could get a bearing on the jamming truck by turning on my radar, which allows you to see where Jamming is coming from. You can then fly directly at the jammer and more easily pick it up with the TGP/EOTS. The downside is that you have to switch on your radar, although I guess you don’t need to leave it switched on once you have a bearing.

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You should be able to enable it by enabling “Engage Enemies” in the mission editor, it should target you if it can detect you.

Did you have a stealth configuration by chance?