What we podcasting?

Honestly, Rogan has been pushing a very anti-science, anti-fact agenda when it comes to COVID, and Alex Jones has a long, long history of pushing a lot of dangerous and patently, demonstrably false conspiracy theories about a long, long list of things. I won’t get into the exact details here because of playing nice, but he should’ve been jailed a long time ago.


Interesting. I’ll listen to the Alex Jones/Tim Dillon podcast on Monday. I was hoping you weren’t talking about Gad Saad. That guy is extremely interesting. I listened to his latest session with Joe yesterday and now I’m going to download all his previous sessions.


I’m not really feeling you about the Joe Rogan anti-science, anti-fact agenda but I’m going to listen more closely in those terms and see if I can pick up on your sentiment.

I have a soft spot for physics. Astrophysics and cosmology in particular.

Startalk with Neil deGrasse Tyson is pretty cool, the Supermassive Podcast with Dr. Becky Smethurst is another one I regularly listen to.

Supermassive Podcast: The Supermassive Podcast | Podfollow


I just put on 99% while I was cooking - it’s a goodie!!


Now that I’ve listened to Alex Jones (and to a lesser extent Tim Dillon), I completely agree! What a blowhard LOL! The guy is a clown. I won’t stop listening to Joe Rogan just because he gave Alex a platform though. Giving people platforms whether he agrees with the person or not is what Joe is all about.

At this point I don’t even know what @anon51893362’s intent was posting that Alex Jones/Tim Dillon video at all … I think it’s a bot since I can’t get any user info on his avatar.

Anyway, getting back to Gad Saad … EXTREMELY excellent podcast I listened to today …

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It was not a bot and you will not be able to get an explanation as to what they intended anymore. That is the type of username given by the forum software when an account is deleted by management.

You are confusing two different features

  • anonymous posting mode, which is not on by default but can be enabled by the site owner, if you want to allow users to post anonymously.
  • anonymizing an account, which causes it to be effectively removed from the site, while retaining all the posts associated with that account.

Users cannot ever log in again as that account, if you anonymize the account.

Source: Love the "Anonymize User" feature - thanks! - #6 by codinghorror - praise - Discourse Meta


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To be clear - it is also what the username is given by the forum software when an account is requested by the user to be deleted. We have not removed anyone that did not ask to be removed. I think that is an important distinction.


Understand that Beach. :sunglasses:
I did not and do not know for certain the situation that caused the account to be deleted, even though I know which user is now gone, I tried to give a strictly technical answer without making any distinctions as to the “why” someone made the decision to remove the account. That was why I linked the post I did. It came directly from the Discourse forums.

So if you somehow felt slighted or that I was making some judgement regarding the decision that was not my intention.


No slight taken at all. I don’t know what people are saying, but any recent removals were made at the request of users…so just wanted to make sure it is known that those are decisions taken by them, not anyone on the staff here.

Discourse is a bit weird on how to meet those requests. I’m not sure why it is the way it is, but I’m not the most proficient with Discourse. I suppose it is a good thing that I don’t have much practice in trying to meet deletion requests.

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Hey I know- and yeah ban me ok, but Putin is stepping down?! I never thought I’d see the day!
What the actual hell is happening in 2020 anymore?! Alien signals? Metorites made of gold landing carefully on the moon?


Isn’t that information from the same news site that kept saying Kim Jong Un was dead? Color me skeptical.

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Hehehe Ok, ok it might be. A man can dream, right?
I do Apologise, maybe it was better written in the Joke thread.

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Afterburn podcast. ‘’Rain’’ waters

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Ooooo, fresh meat! I’ll get into that next week @Vanilla. Thanks.

Completely missed this until I got the email about the second episode, but the curator of the North Carolina has started a podcast series:

You gotta watch this ‘Mover’ interview. Best yet. I didn’t see it til late at night and couldn’t turn it off.

Mover interview with “Shoes” - TOMCAT driver


Excellent 6 part podcast discussing the air war in Vietnam punctuated by interviews with crews who flew the missions.


You are really doing your best to kill my productivity this month.



Nice. Hairy is on Podcast Addict. I friggin’ love the Podcast Addict app. I’ll probably pay for it one day. :smiley:

It’s unbelievable that I’ve already gone through 1570 Joe Rogan Experience Podcasts LOL! (only the ones that interested me). Been through hundreds of others recommended on this thread too. I’ve actually started listening to music again LOL!

Oh, check out JRE podcast 1577! …

I’ll be checking that one out tomorrow.

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I’m through episode 4, and can say that if you have any interest at all in the air war in Vietnam, Hairy is a must listen.
