yoke? stick? how about this one? F-102
I’ll take the F-106. Oooh, or better yet inconspicuous photobombing Tomcat.
Do you stand inside and look through that black viewport? It’s an old school rift, except in a moving plan? You’re moving while moving? planeception?
For $41 it better be!
I have been sightseeing in Old London town, I grabbed the beta yesterday and hope native VR will be available soon. I got flyinside demo but to get to Christmas Island in 15 minute hops is undoable. And do I really want to spend 40$ on flyinside when native VR support is around the corner.
I have been trying out Ortho4XP and have a tile of my home town area. Its freakin amazing. The screenshot below is myself flying over the farm I worked on for 20 years This X plane is exceptional
The fishing was great and the lumps and bumps you see across the road from the farm are the remains of a WWI and II AAA emplacements. Its called Gloucester Lodge named after the Duke of Gloucester was stationed there
The war also brought about the greatest spectacle Blyth would ever witness. It was an event that to the many that saw it would remain the most exciting day of their lives. The date was August 28th 1795. Seven thousand soldiers, from thirteen regiments of infantry and cavalry, in their finest and most colourful uniforms were lined up along the three-mile stretch of the links between Blyth and Seaton Sluice. At precisely seven o’ clock the Duke of York, Duke of Gloucester and other top brass rode on the sands along the entire line inspecting the troops. With the inspection over the army staged a grand display of manoeuvres, drilling and firing which lasted for four hours. Wallace states that 30,000 people witnessed the event. Soldiers were camped out in scattered fields near Blyth (although he was probably using Eneas McKenzie’s 1827 Historical Account as his source). The site where the Duke of Gloucester’s regiment camped is now marked by Gloucester Lodge Farm. The regiment became known as the Grenadier Guards following the Battle of Waterloo.
This one is where we live now, just on the nose is where our house is
So I just came across this whilst searching for info on W2XP and Ortho4XP
Just some more shots of very early conceptional and proof of concept Netherlands in XP11 using Ortho2XP and Tony’s W2XP. This work was a predecessor to the FSX/P3D work we are doing for the Netherlands now. Apologies if this post originally gave the impression this was P3Dv4.
Which is very weird innit? It’s good enough to prototype in XP but not develop for it? That thread is quite funny to read when you realize people think it’s FSX/P3D.
I think its still about the player base. Same as with AirHauler. The developer abandoned the XP version because he complained about the lack of reasonable big player/buyer base…
I read it, about the AH, somewhere here on the forums.
I don’t think that rings true for FSX/P3D either. For over a decade now there’s been a freeware scenery called NL-2000. It started of with the visuals of FS2000, with blocky trees and a lot of repeating textures, but a few years ago they released a version that is using satellite and aircraft imagery, overlay’d with forests, tree lines, roads and landmark buildings.
So they’ve got a lot of fierce competition.
Later on in the thread ORBX CEO confirms that they are converting airport to XP, although no general scenery files like they do for FSX/P3D.
So… the PMDG DC6 has been calling me for awhile now, and finally I just couldn’t resist any longer.
It is a very different animal than the VSkyLabs DC3 (which is relatively very simple systems wise). I have fixed the rudder so that it moves correctly, and tried to tone down the reflection effect on the cockpit instruments. Does anyone know of a tweak to fix the props?
Flying out of KMUD?
No, that’s the pretty little Aerosoft Twenty-Nine Palms…beautiful area…
EV-55, nice. Saw it on the store but didnt realize it is czech Evektor. Now the OK-DRM in the cockpit made me curious.
How it is performing ingame?
I like it. I’m considering switching to it for the Christmas Flight. The panel has some gauges that aren’t really super high res…but overall (for the price $12), I think it is a fun little bird.
Continuing my classic Douglas airliner kick, I picked up the XP11 DC8 as part of the Michael Wilson complete package, which was a bargain on the recent X-Plane.org sale. It was actually cheaper to pick up the compilation than to buy the DC8 on it’s own. I haven’t had a chance to fly the 707 or Shorts Solent yet…
Love that DC-8 for XP11. Yes, it has some simplifications, but it look cool. I was actually considering it for the Christmas Flight - particularly the freighter version.
The Global is full of simplifications, so this version of the DC8 is probably just about at my level .
I will always have a slight sense of awe when it comes to those who flew back then. We have it so much easier these days.
Back in '92 I went down to Miami to interview for Arrow Air. I cannot convey how grateful I am now that I didn’t get the job but I REALLY wanted to fly the DC-8! My best friend for 20 years worked at Arrow for a bit when he was starting out. He said that the oddest thing about the plane was the large number of pilots who wore gloves. The thing was so stiff that blisters were common for those who did a lot of hand-flying.