This is maybe weird but the other thing I am considering is the amount of support, in this case financial, to Laminar Research.
Does it make any sense to anyone to buy directly from site or it doesnt matter and they will get the same money no matter the reseller or the discount applied!?
Buy directly from their website! Steam takes a percentage cut on all sales. I think it’s 20% or 30%, something like that.
Thx for info Almighty.
Additionaly I dont know how it is showing for you in US but on steam I see full price 64.99eur what is not 59.99bucks what is on x-plane. And after steam sale -34% it is still not so big deal here though…
I am not quite following you, do you want to know what the price is on the X-plane website?
I answered to buy directly from since then Laminar gets the money, via Steam Valve gets a cut.
Currently the price on Steam is cheaper then on their website.
Sry for confusion. I am just quickly jumping between topics.
What you suggested was understood and appreciated
What I am actually curious about is what is the full price (before discount) on steam for you in US. Is it the same as on xp site or different?
Because here in this part of EU the full price on steam is higher than the price on x-plane.
Steam full price: 64.99eur
X-plane full price: 59.99eur what is based on PP conversion rate 52.88eur
So wondering do I need new calculator or am I missing something?
Ah I am in the EU too, so I can’t help you there.
here you can see the price of X-plane 11 on Steam throughout it’s Steam release:
Ok, I thought you are in US.
The price graph… handy… and what I see is the original price as 54.99 eur what was reasonable imho. Wondering what made for the increase. But who cares… its their shop and their price politics. I dont need to understand/buy
The original price only lasted for two weeks, I think it was a 10% release discount. It makes sense to keep the Steam price higher then on their own shop so that they don’t make less then they would on a sale on their own store.
On another note, I got the Dreamfoil Bell 407 and the Schweizer S300CBi, very cool helicopters!
Not a release - but an announcement that a new Airbus is coming for X-Plane (newer than the Flight Factor A320):
Application to be a beta tester:
FYI, XP11.10 is at release candidate 1 stage, or rc1. I’ve been flying it a few days without any issues. This is really good news, because developers now can proceed fixing everything broken on their aircraft during the beta period, without worrying about major changes to the flight model and systems.
@BeachAV8R, how are you getting along with the PC-12? I try it every now and then and can’t seem to get rid of some of the annunciator lights (Bus and Gen), even though the overhead panel looks good.
Speaking of Carenado/Alabeo/Thranda/JustFlight, the Do 228 and PA28 Arrow III are in pretty good shape, being that they were released during the beta period, and have undergone revisions during that time. However, most of the G1000 a/c are in sad shape, glass wise. Here’s hoping that C/A/T/JF just adopt the XP11.10 LR G1000, because I don’t have a lot of confidence in them fixing all of the broken aircraft, even though their version has more features. The LR glass in XP11.10rc1 is rock solid IMO. Collecting dust until they get fixed are the PC-12, TBM 850, C206 G1000, and the Phenom 100.
In other news, I’ve been tinkering with the RXP GTN 750 in the Do 228 and PA28 Arrow III. Knob lovers will undoubtedly disagree, but what a fantastic piece of equipment, with its intuitive touchscreen interface. The king (430/530) is dead. Long live the king (650/750). If I were purchasing/building a new aircraft, I would definitely budget for a GTN 650 or 750.
And as I make my way across the NA continent, taking the long way round toward Christmas Island with a bunch of wind in our face, I’m continually amazed at the vistas given by ortho photo scenery. From 20k ft, I feel like I am seeing the US for the first time. At least in a sim. Kudos to all of the good folks developing pre-built ortho packages. A game changer indeed.
I need to do some additional testing on it to really see if I want to use it for the Christmas flight. It is beautiful…but does have some annoying little quirks.
I was considering purchasing those…they look gorgeous. We have a GTN 750 in one of our Citations and it is awesome…a million times better than the Garmin 430. How do you put the GTN 750 into an X-Plane panel…is there some included utility to make that happen? I’d love to have a GTN 750 in my Mi-2…I wonder if that is possible…
Today is the first day I’ve dabbled with Ortho. Despite @fearlessfrog’s easy to use instructions, I’m giving the prebuilt orthos that are available by torrent a whirl. I started an hour ago, downloaded 23GB of the Southeast, and an unzipping them now, then I guess I need to use the DDS conversion tool. Anyway - it is taking quite a while, but it is all background app work…hopefully the results will be worth it.
I’m gonna need a bigger SSD though if this takes hold…
Here we go…
So, the Do 228 and JF Arrow III come setup for the GTN 750. As long as you have the latest build of the GTN, you just need to enable it in the plug-ins menu. To use it as a 2D pop-up, you need to drop and INI file in the aircraft folder. Here is a thread with some already configured, plus a complete setup for the PC-12 (the post that is complete with 3D bezel).
Here is a setup for using it with the a great freeware Bell 429.
Yeah, I’ve got an entire 1TB SSD for X-Plane 11, which is now 65% full. It takes a while for the conversion to DDS, but well worth the effort. @fearlessfrog’s primer is a must-read if you know the nuts and bolts, and in case you want to fly in an area not covered, or are unsatisfied with the current offerings.
I see only one emergency exit door over each wing, so it’s probably the smaller A319.
Argh…was converting to DDS and after 90 minutes I ran out of SSD space.
Bummer. I think that you need about 100 GB to work with, and the average when through is about 70 GB.
And stupid, stupid me, I deleted the original torrent file immediately after I unzipped it. And then I tried to get cutesy with the missing DDS files by deleting what I thought were the corresponding JPG files that matched the ones that already had been converted, but I must have missed a couple because I’m getting a scenery load error.
Argh. Try again. This is why I need net neutrality…lol…data caps!