X-Plane releases thread

Let me know what you think - I’m interested as well.

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This is not a recommendation, but I noticed that the Carenado C340 got a refresh for XP11. I really like the XP10 version so hoping that this will be up to par.

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  • 767-200ER (PW+GE engines)
  • 767-300ER (PW+RR+GE engines)
  • 767-300F (PW+GE+RR engines)

Flight Factor just released their Extended 767. Wide-body fans, rejoice!

There is also an upgrade available for 20 bucks if you go in your invoice of your original 767 order in the “My Account” menu of the Org Store.


Nice free vFlyteAir Ryan Navion 205…probably a slightly older model, but it’s free (well…donation ware) and it looks pretty good!


I know what I will be test flying today, thanks Chris!

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Cool plane, you should check out what’s in the small comparment on the right hand side :wink:

Anyone knows how to make use of that tablet?

Oh man…this looks nice…


This is great news, I mean this is the equivalent of A2A AccuSim modules for P3D

JRollon Planes and SimCoders.com have joined their forces to bring this little marvel to you

  • The REP expansion pack from Simcoders is already included in the SF-260!
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OrbX are releasing new content for XP11 at a rapid pace right now…


Random X-plane thought of the day:
Is there a nice P-38 Lightning for X-plane?

Ah Shoreham. I actually took my first flight lessons there, back in (calculating on stone tablets noise)… MCMLXXXVI. It was pretty expensive in the UK at that time, at least to keep going. Huge nostalgia for Shoreham for me, so another disk space/wallet eater.

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It looks like a nice airport. Two grass runways, and a main paved runway. It blends in beautifully with the True Earth South scenery (as would be expected). OrbX are knocking it out of the park right now IMHO.


Payware P38 is available ( dont know about any freeware ). Check here

But be aware that the 38 is XP10 version obviously ( or older maybe ).
Definitely there are other nice XP11 warbirds like P47, P51, Meserschmits from MLADG, … …

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I found a freeware one based on a former payware.
It is…ok but the flight model feels a bit off.

I guess you mean this one, just found it

This model was originally designed by Heinz Dziurowitz of myvirtualhanger with art work by Will Davies and was distributed as payware. X-Plane.org now have the copyright for this aircraft and have given permission to make a V11 version freely available to all members. Heinz has now sadly passed away, but all credit for the original work goes to him and Will - truly excellent work.

Acording to the text it is the same from HeinzD as the payware on the org store but now available for free for XP11… question is why it is stil seling? Payware for XP10 users !? …maybe…

I think this could be tweaked in PlaneMaker. Smal project for long winter nights :wink:

Yep that is the one.
There are a few minor texture bugs as well, but yeah I was also surprised it is free.

The flight model… I think they mainly made it too nimble and the engines too strong.
Or maybe I am just spoiled by DCSW flight models.