Step 1) Go to the steam workshop, and download the mods which constitute the Mudspike mod pack.
Step 2) Click subscribe all (because half measures are for communists).
Step 3) Wait for that stuff to download.
Step 4) Open the Arma 3 Launcher, and ensure that all of the mods on the steam page are listed in the “available mods” section of the list. Enable all of them. When finished it should look like this. (Order is unimportant).
Step 5) Now go download the Red Hammer Studios mods, which provide US, Russian, and Rebel forces.
Download this
and this one too
and this one as well.
As a note, the installation method changes based off what download method you choose. If you download via torrent or from a site (like moddb or armaholic), the process is as simple as dragging and dropping it into your mod folder (default your installation folder). For first time installation, I recommend you use either the torrent or download site method.
Step 6) Go do something else, 'cause that’s gonna take a while. If you’re newer to the game, might I recommend checking out Dyslexci’s excellent community guides?
Step 7) Phew, that took a while. Now we need to add the RHS mods to the arma launcher. Click the “add local mod” button.
Now navigate to where ever you installed your mods, and activate them.
Once done, your launcher should look like this.
Step 8) Now it’s time to do the tedious stuff. It’s the final stretch, so bare with me.
Go to your arma mod folder. Generally this is located in the root install of your game, but if your a l33t pro, you might have placed it somewhere else. Mine is located at:
G:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3
Now create a folder named @rhace" (this is a handy portmanteau I use, you can name it whatever you like). Enter that folder, and create another called “addons”.
Open up the folder that says !Workshop, then the folder that says “@ace”, then the folder that says “optionals”. Select the following files: “ace_compat_rhs_afrf3.pbo” and “ace_compat_rhs_usf3.pbo”. Copy these files, and place them in the @RHACE\addons folder we just made.
EDIT: It would appear that the !workshop photo in the instruction above is a hidden folder. You must either enable viewing hidden folders in windows, or alternatively you can try and manually find the mod in the directory
Folder names here correspond to the mod’s steam workshop id, and finding them may include a bit of guesswork.
Add that file to the arma launcher like we did with RHS. When done your launcher should look like this.
Step 9) Last but not least, we need to activate TFAR. Go to the workshop files like with ace, and instead find the @task_force_radio folder. Navigate through it to the teamspeak folder, and find a compressed archive named “plugins”. Extract this file to your teamspeak 3 client plugins folder. Finally open your teamspeak 3 client, open the settings menu, and select plugins. Select and enable the TFAR plugin, and restart teamspeak 3.
Step 10) Prepare to dispense freedom.