Elite Dangerous Thread

group hug




More ships special skins!
Only for a limited time!


I’m going to be okay

After my neuron transgressions with that insurance screen, I doubled down and got top 25% in the BH CG and then top 10% in this one this morning:

Ferengi blood is back on the menu boys! :slight_smile:




Please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please… give a read @ THIS!


After finally getting past the key bind/login hooplah.

I cannot get rift to work.

SteamVR seems to be the issue.

Shows just a bluish grey screen, nothing else, then when I launch Elite, it says the app is taking a while to load, and the game runs on my monitor.

Not at PC at the moment, but I think I just start it without using the ‘SteamVR’ mode as it has the Oculus SDK referenced as a lib already. Once in the game you can pick the display as the HMD.

I use this to flip between screen or Rift modes, as I like the settings it offers:

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I got it to work,

I just bypassed SteamVR Completely,

Deleted SteamAPP Launch Shortcut,

Run from EXE directly, then set 3D to HMD and voila,


Ok if I take advantage of this Steam sale, what DLC do I really need?

There is just the one so far. If you don’t have Elite then get the combined offer, or if you do already then just this:

All the rest of that stuff is like ship ‘skin’ packs, which are just cosmetic, plus it’s surprisingly not a game where you even got to see the outside of your ship that much.


Welp I did it, picked it up last night, got through all the training missions and now I have no idea where to go or how to buy insurgence for my ship lol

But if anyone wants to play one of these nights… if I can I’d join.

Insurance is only paid when you need it (you blow up) your right side panel indicates how much your insurance is.

Oh so since I just have the basic ship with no addons thats why is says 0

That’s right. Basic sidewinders are always free. As you buy add-ons the insurance for your sidewinder will show a cost. Of course if you can’t (or don’t want to) pay it you can always just get a new basic sidewinders.

As you have more expensive ships with better add-ons your insurance cost will be in the millions.

Thankfully it isn’t like normal insurance and making a bunch of claims doesn’t raise your premiums (there aren’t any) or the insurance costs themselves.

A’ight, where is everybody? I’m still a hundred light years or so from Eravate, going to head back there. Thinking about getting a larger ship to start playing with the Horizons aspect.

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I probably have 2hrs of patching to do. Not even sure where I am at the moment. Think it’s updated on inara

aaand into the lovely “password works for the web account but not in the client” loop.

edit: I love complaining. As soon as I do, things fix themselves.