So back in March @smokinhole gifted me with an extra copy of Il-2 BoS that he had. His only stipulation was that whoever he gave it to would do more than just kick the tires. So I have flown it in Singleplayer quite a bit and have really been smitten with it. I purchased both BoM and BoK as well but one part that has been on my to do list has been multiplayer.
Summer of course got in the way, but now that the witches winds have returned to New England I have more time for such things. In speaking with @RedBravo65 in TS, and having been jealous of his AAR with @Brix a few weeks back, I asked him if we could do some Multi and he readily agreed.
It doesn’t seem like there is a dedicated BoX screen thread but if there is and I missed it please merge this in there. The goal is to play a lot more in the coming months, especially with Co-op mode on the horizon. There is a channel in Mudspike TS marked Il-2 and that is where RedBravo and I were to be found last night. If you see us in there (or anyone else for that matter) hop in and lets get those props spinning!
I use single player missions in order to test and familiarize myself with the aircraft I intend to fly online etc. I test the machine, learn the engine management and how the aircraft handles flight wise.
Here I am piloting the work-horse of the Eastern Front.
I just had time for one mission tonight. With about 10 minutes in type and zero landings under my belt, I began a career in Kuban in the P-39L. I have an early start tomorrow, so this will be brief.
Very much enjoyed Mission 1, intercept of enemy ground attack aircraft. Once we hit the AOR, of course I lost my flight. While trying to get eyeballs on them, an unlucky FW190 flew in front of my bullets. I gave him a single squirt and off came the hood. I suppose that he wanted no part of the big pistol that I was packing. At least the ground crew will be happy with one less 37 to service and reload.
With no friendlies in sight and fuel inching toward the yellow mark, I decided that discretion was the better part of my shame and to RTB. I ended up bringing #4 back with me. He didn’t look so good, trailing oil smoke, but made the field. I remained in the pattern with him all the way to touchdown. Sorry about the lack of camera film. Couldn’t find the switch in all of the excitement. Regardless, that 1000 ruble kill bonus will be appreciated in town tonight. One more mission proving that it is far better to be lucky than good.