X-Plane in VR is a bit of a hog, in that it works but still has a little way to go in terms of being smooth with good performance - it’s a very demanding sim, with lots going on. I’ve probably spent longer in the settings page fiddling with the sliders than actually in the cockpit.
Today I tried out an X-Plane plugin called 3jFPS Wizard. Details here:
Essentially what it does is you give it a framerate to aim for (the magic 45 frames per second for smooth VR, as both Oculus and Vive use a reprojection technique to double that up to 90 fps at which the screens refresh at) and it adjusts X-Plane settings on the fly.
It’s not magic, but it does seem like a better way to do it for VR, i.e. get smoothness and then go from there. Because X-Plane is mainly CPU bound it also allows me to run super-sampling / pixel density up to about 1.5 on a Nvidia 1070 via a profile in the Oculus Tray Tool. That is really useful for cockpit instrument clarity.
(Yay, Zune Music is in there - go brown or go home!)
The above link includes the instructions on how to install, but it is pretty simple of:
Install FlyWithLua core edition from here - FlyWithLua Core Edition for X-Plane 11 (Windows, Linux, Mac OS X) version - Utilities - X-Plane.Org Forum
Download and copy into the '/Resources/plugins/FlyWithLua/ Modules/ folder the 3jLib UI library here - 3jLib1 - UI extension library for FlyWithLua - Utilities - X-Plane.Org Forum
Download and copy into the ‘/Resources/plugins/FlyWithLua/ Scripts/’ folder the wizard from the first link. Don’t forget to remove the existing ‘Please read…’ from there unless you want the nag bubble (which you don’t see in VR, but why not).
Start up X-Plane in VR. On the desktop mirror you’ll see the wizard window. I personally hit ‘MAX FPS’ on the top left, but feel free to try the other modes and report back.
With this, together with the wonderful AviTtab I’m in X-Plane VR heaven - it works really well. It will trim back clouds and stuff at busy airports, but given dropping down to 20 FPS in VR it is a trade I am willing to make. Good stuff, and I imagine useful for desktop as well.