Mudspike 3rd Annual DCS Fall Fly-In

Heh, I had to have a critical Hardware failure this weekend, didn’t I. :smiley:
Have fun y’all!

I got everything up and running now.
Not ideal with the Notebook and a Sidewinder Precision Pro instead of a HOTAS but better than nothing.
TrackIR is working flawlessly and I activated FC3 on this machine so at least I can fly the A-10A or the F-15C.

Not sure if I have a lot of time to play because kids and stuff but going to try and at least be in the action for an hour or so.

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I will jump onto TS later this afternoon and see if I can find someone to fly with :slight_smile:

Hope to join in this evening…I’m on call and heading for the airport at the moment…

I’ve got a pretty full weekend, but planning to jump on when able. Just to be sure, the servers are running the latest 2.x alpha and 1.5.8 beta? I’ve downloaded TS. Thanks.

Fun little Night mission with the Av8B test Crew and friends

I took some screenshots of the guys tanking and landing and so on, but unfortunately my image upload doesn’t work right now, the forum tells me there was some error…


Hollo Pointe is running the Released v1.5.7.

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I’m having the same problem, I made a new thread because I think it is neat for people to scroll through just screens and AAR stories without the coordination and other stuff that happens in this thread.

link to the placeholder thread

It looks pretty bad now but I’m hoping it will fill up with lots of screens while I sleep.


Sorry I failed to make it. The Vietnam game is so addictive I just done 7 hour solid. See you tomorow instead :slight_smile:


What happened?

My HOTAS Warthog stick decided he needed to retire.
Snapped in half.

I seriously never seen anything like that before.
I described my experience (or something like that) in the “Five Stages Something” thread…

Luckily I retrieved my Microsoft Sidewinder Pro Force Feedback 2 from the basement and, albeit is SO light!, it’s still better than not flying with you all guys.

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Seeing these shots, and the harrier release… I hate working weekends :wink:

Me too. On deck to make a maintenance run with one of our planes. I always laugh when I think about the irony “man…this real flying stuff is getting in the way of my virtual flying…”


It sounds less silly if you say “my real world civil flying gets in the way of my virtual combat flying”

Face it: 99% of the time your job is kinda boring. Although that is a good thing because when your job suddenly gets exciting that usually means something bad happened. :smiley:


As I got ready last night I realised I only had OB installed. I went to roll it back to RC but it was 4Gb download so I skipped, sorry and I hope you all had a great time :slight_smile:

Hey everyone!

I wanted to take a moment to thank everyone who attended or supported the 3rd Annual DCS Fall Fly-In this past weekend. I heard a lot of familiar voices and learned new voices that previously were only forum or community names. I know that a more people couldn’t make it due to real-life commitments but we can look (listen) forward to hearing those voices during the next event. :slight_smile:

I would like to thank all of the server hosts and mission designers - an important role that often does not get the attention it deserves. I would like to apologize to @WreckingCrew and @near_blind for not taking part in their DCS World 1.5.7 and DCS World 2.1.1 efforts. I know that it is a ton of work to develop missions and prepare servers before hand and it was unfortunate, in this sense, that ED released 1.5.8 into OpenBeta with the RAZBAM AV-8B N/A to a community who are obviously hungry for that module. Also, thanks go to @Tankerwade and @Bogusheadbox (and @near_blind) for hosting the 1.5.8 OpenBeta servers as well.

For everyone else, if you missed it the screenshots and AARs can be found in this thread: 3rd DCS Fly-In Screens & AARs thread - #44 by fearlessfrog. I hope that everyone had fun. If you have concerns, comments or suggestions, please send me a PM reach out to @staff account as we would like to hear the feedback and try to make things better.

I hope to see you all at the next event! :f111:


I had a great time - thanks to all that contributed! :mudspike:


Yep thanks to everyone.

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Thank you to everyone who put the work in to this! Just sad I didn’t get to join in more (although not as sad as @komemiute :sob::joystick:).


It was fun, thanks to y’all from me as well!