Missing Images

Not certain if the loss of images in this old thread was caused by the recent upgrade or some other issue?

I know they are old posts in an even older thread but if the recent upgrade to shrink the image size caused the problem there are likely several other older posts and threads with similar issues.


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I … don’t think so. There was some work to transition images to new storage, and reduce the size of the images to something manageable. That thread may have taken a hit with that effort.

If we get a chance, we will try to look into it but it’s not ‘easy’, so it may have to stay the way that it is. Hopefully, we don’t have any additional optimizations for some time :slight_smile:

I think they were uploaded (not linked) GIF files that either broke the resizing or were too large to store anymore. A 4K JPG often comes in at about 150 KB nowadays, while these were in the region of 50 MB plus each (a long GIF is a terrible video format, people use MP4 now or better). While not ideal that the resize ditched them (it replaces them with a transparent placeholder), they were part of the reason the storage sized we had was not working - we’re not a video archive site.

Here’s an example of one that went that did resize from #43.

The memes are fun but they aren’t worth 50 screenshots each etc. We support the meme video sites with the editor GIF button, just we don’t make local copies like we do with images - it just links.

How did you even find them?

^ we do the above, because on mobile it sucks to have topics that include automatically download big video files have to download and play. It’s debatable if it’s better or not.

I ran into a few cases when moving the articles over and images went missing because they were animated GIFs (not saying that these images were, BTW). I had to just cut one frame (ot of all of the frames) and use that single image in it’s place, where I could.