Not certain if the loss of images in this old thread was caused by the recent upgrade or some other issue?
DCS 2.5 in January 2018. A promise, not an estimate... - #17 by BeachAV8R
DCS 2.5 in January 2018. A promise, not an estimate... - #23 by BeachAV8R
(This post shows it has 2 edits. The first edit on December 16, 2017 shows an image downloaded locally, which is still on the server, and then the 2nd edit on December 06, 2022 causes that image to be lost from the post.) -
DCS 2.5 in January 2018. A promise, not an estimate... - #43 by BeachAV8R
DCS 2.5 in January 2018. A promise, not an estimate... - #108 by Fridge
DCS 2.5 in January 2018. A promise, not an estimate... - #118 by komemiute
DCS 2.5 in January 2018. A promise, not an estimate... - #149 by Bogusheadbox
(Image is on Mudspike server but no longer visible due to size limitations.) -
DCS 2.5 in January 2018. A promise, not an estimate... - #150 by komemiute
(The image has been set to private on giphy and is no longer available. However it was saved at the Internet Archive. -
DCS 2.5 in January 2018. A promise, not an estimate... - #151 by schurem
(Image is on Mudspike server but no longer visible due to size limitations.) -
DCS 2.5 in January 2018. A promise, not an estimate... - #157 by komemiute
DCS 2.5 in January 2018. A promise, not an estimate... - #163 by Navynuke99
I know they are old posts in an even older thread but if the recent upgrade to shrink the image size caused the problem there are likely several other older posts and threads with similar issues.